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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2019

Types of shots

Hi everyone! This is a video of different types of shots. The shots used are medium close up, mid shot, medium long shot, long shot and extreme long shot, in that order. Hope you enjoy it!! Thanks to my friend Marta Saura that has appeared in my video :D


Hello my friends!! Here you have another advancement of my film "THE EXAM". Here you have the storyboard... More advancements will come in the future...


Hi guys! This year our teacher has given us an special project that is also a challenge... to become film directors and make aour own film.. My film is going to be about the stress and tension that is felt by a group of friends the day, hours and minutes before an exam... Here you have an advancement...

Camera movements...

Hi guys! Here we go again!  Today we are going to learn about camera movements, specially about my video that consist in Dolly (dolly-in means step towards the subject with the camera, while dolly-out means to step backwards with the camera, keeping the zoom the same) and Tongue  ( rotates a camera right or left on the end of a fixed boom). Also I have to thank my colleagues Marta, Carla and Maria for helping me to film this video. Enjoy it!

Film ideas

Hi guys! Here we are again, now talking about my first ideas that I have thank for my film. Here there are, hope you enjoy it!!