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Hi guys!

This year our teacher has given us an special project that is also a challenge... to become film directors and make aour own film..

My film is going to be about the stress and tension that is felt by a group of friends the day, hours and minutes before an exam... Here you have an advancement...

                                                            The Exam
             Pablo Martinez Lopez 2ºBTO Image and Sound
Synopsis: In this film, the stress suffered by a group of friends, Anthony, Robin, Melody and Penny during the hours before the exam until the exam finish.  

Scene 1
It is 8.30 PM, our four characters are in their own bedrooms, Anthony and Melody are desesperated while Robin and Penny are very relaxed. They started chat about the exam.
Robin (Rob)
Hi guys! How are you? Are you studying?
Melody (Mel)
Puff... I don’t understand anything about maths problems; the only thing I know is to search the answers on the answers book... I’m thinking on giving up...
Penny (Pen)
Melody please... don’t give up, you are always like that and then you get good marks.
Penny you always say that you are going to fail and then you get a 9.5, I think you should change your argument JAJAJAJA
I hate you JAJAJAJA
Anyway, I leave you arguing that maths is calling me, good luck!
Anthony (Ant)
I don’t matter what you are going to said to me, but I ‘m not going to study anymore.
Voice over (VO)
And Anthony close the book, throws it to her bed and start watching videos on YouTube.

Scene 2
Its 1 AM, Penny asks about a math problem, and then they laid on their beds and think in playing a joke to Anthony, that was sleeping.
I‘ve thank in playing a joke to Anthony.
That sounds quite funny
Come on, tell us
Robin, you have to call Anthony and tell him he is late to the exam
That sounds funny, I’m gonna do it right now
Robin calls Anthony that was sleeping
Anthony! Anthony! Come on! Get up! The teacher is here! You are late to the exam!!!
What problem do you have!!?? It’s 1 AM!!! You have gotten up me and my parents. I hate you. F*** you!!
Robin tells Penny and Melody how has react Anthony, they laugh about it and then they go to sleep
Scene 3
Its 10 AM, the hour of the exam has arrived. Anthony wants to return back the joke of last night, so he goes to the end of the corridor and runs to the class shouting.
The teacher!!! The teacher!!!! The teacher has come!!!

Robin, Melody and Penny get iced with what Anthony was saying. But they didn’t expect what was going to happen.
JAJAJAJA it’s a joke, you must see the faces you have right now
Anthony...turns back...
Anthony turns back and...
JEJEJE Who laughs the last laugh better


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My Soundtrack

Hi guys! I hope you are still okay Today is the day to talk about soundtracks. Soundtracks are used in films and series to emphasize a sense and to make the spectator as if he is being the character.  My favourite soundtrack is the one of Jurassic Park.  I have chosen this soundtrack as it is the first it comes to me mind when I think in a soundtrack. Also I love this film, and when I watch this scene, and I hear the soundtrack, I get goosebumps. I think that these soundtrack was used to make the spectator feel and think in a happy ending, where everything is fantastic, and this is the fact that makes it memorable, as they have done it, and in this scene it's proven. An example of temp music, can be the one that I put below, of one of the Transformers films. My father´s favourite soundtrack is the one of Forrest Gump, as it is his favourite film. My mother´s one is Titanic  soundtrack, a classical one. Finally, my sister´s favourite soundtrack is the one of Finding Nemo,  as it is